All About Near Infrared Saunas

For thousands of years, saunas have been used to detoxify the body and heal ailments. It will blow your mind when you hear of all the health advantages that saunas offer.

When the majority of people think of saunas, they imagine one wooden box that has electrical heat. However, there is another kind of sauna which generates all of the advantages of conventional heat therapy, in conjunction with phototherapy or light therapy. It is referred to as NIR sauna, and it’ll generate an incredible blend of health advantages.

Different kinds of saunas

The three primary kinds of saunas include:

Traditional saunas:

Heated through wood burning or electric heat. Traditional saunas may be wet or dry. Wet saunas release steam through a steam generator or by tossing water upon hot rocks. Such saunas are extremely hot.

Near-infrared (NIR) lamp saunas:

These combine light therapy, as well as heat therapy. The light from a near-infrared sauna may penetrate the human body as much as 9,” according to NASA. Also, near infrared lamp saunas usually emit extremely low EMF (electromagnetic field) levels. Due to the light spectrum, near infrared lamp saunas permit the air to remain colder while still heating the human body.

Far-infrared (FIR) saunas:

These utilize heating elements which primarily emit light within the FIR range. Such FIR light offers a little light therapy, yet it does not penetrate the human body as well as NIR light will. Plus, far infrared sauna usually emits dangerous EMF levels, although a few manufacturers are collaborating to decrease the electromagnetic fields within their product.

Why should we detox?

The environment is a lot more toxic now than before, because from petroleum-like elements like diesel, gasoline, as well as jet fuels to flame retardants to PBCs and phthalates, it is estimated that we are exposed to thousands more harmful toxins than our ancestors.

An industry that is valued at about $750 billion, chemicals are big business, and now there is over 84,000 “legal” chemicals utilized in the United States, even though most of them have not been thoroughly tested for safety.

Worried about this significant increase in exposure to chemicals, the CDC began to test people in America every 2 years, so they could have access to what they referred to as their “body burden”. They discovered 27 harmful chemicals in 1999, and that figure is now at around 219 and increasing (Source.)

Our bodies ideally eliminate those toxins via the primary eliminative channels– the bowel, urinary tract, skin, lungs, as well as mucosal linings inside the ears, eyes, and nose. But, if this release of harmful toxins is too high, the body is going to store those heavy metals and chemicals to fatty tissue as a type of protection. It is vital that you support the bodies detoxification pathways in order for us to safely remove those toxins. And this is where NIR sauna enters the picture…

Why sweating is so powerful

The skin is the largest detoxification organ and made to safely eliminate toxins. While you certainly can lose electrolytes, you have the ability to easily replenish them using a little coconut water, a do-it-yourself electrolyte drink or bone broth. In addition, saunas actually can assist in improving the body’s capability of clinging onto electrolytes.

Humans do not sweat a lot because of climate controlled vehicles, houses, and offices. Exercise certainly may cause you to sweat yet it does not cause the toxin extraction that sweating will.

While some are doing aerobic exercise, the heart rate rises yet blood flow to critical organs is reduced. Saunas increase heart rate, as well as flow of blood to crucial organs, and allows for the toxin excretion from these organs.

Most toxins like to dump via sweat

Mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic have been proven in a study to become excreted better through the skin than urine.

One Canadian study discovered that the phytate concentration (chemicals in cosmetics, fragrances, toys, etc.) was two times as great within sweat than within blood or urine. One other study discovered BPA within 80 percent of a subjects’ sweat, while discovering no traceable levels inside their urine or blood. It points to the fact that sweat is the best way to excrete toxins.

The skin erupts as the harmful toxic load becomes too great, which is the reason why we witness acne, PUPPS, eczema, diaper rash, and additional conditions of the skin), yet we’re able to assist it in detoxifying through sweat. That is where saunas enter the picture. Every sauna is able to assist the body in detoxing, promoting brain function, as well as a healthy heart, yet NIR saunas generate some unique and amazing benefits we will explore below.

Why are NIR saunas the best?

  1. Reduced electromagnetic field

An electromagnetic field is given off by WiFi, cell phones, and additional electric devices. Electromagnetic fields may interrupt usual cell function, as well as lead to symptoms like:

  • Ringing ears
  • A static feeling or buzzing in the brain
  • Prickling, burning, or tingling skin sensations
  • Problems sleeping through the night
  • ‘Wired’ feeling or stress
  • Excess fatigue
  • Migraines

Humans expose themselves to 100 times more electromagnetic fields than our ancestors, and a handful of studies prove negative health outcomes. In turn, most European countries restrict or ban electromagnetic field use in a variety of places such as school facilities.

FIR sauna will give off a ton of electromagnetic fields because of carbon panels, whereas near-infrared sauna will give off much less. NIR sauna are advantageous without any possibility of side effects which FIR sauna have. A handful of companies are collaborating to decrease the electromagnetic fields within their FIR products yet the additional NIR sauna benefits are so abundant that decreasing electromagnetic fields is not enough to compete with NIR saunas.

  1. Great healing capabilities

A variety of studies prove that NIR sauna drastically can improve wound and tissue healing, even eye wounds! As a matter of fact, a study discovered that mice that were blinded by harsh chemicals ended up regaining their vision after near infrared sauna   therapy. Additional studies show NILT effectively can treat patients who have traumatic brain injuries.

In addition, infrared sauna improves healing of skin by improving elastin and collagen production. (Fantastic for the prevention of facial wrinkles).

Not just will your daily wear heal well through the use of infrared sauna, yet folks who have chronic diseases may benefit from NILT. From cancer to fibromyalgia (source) to Lyme disease. This body temperature increase is considered to impair growth of tumors as well as immobilize and destroy spirochetes (and potentially additional pathogens).

  1. Fast recovery for athletes

NIR light was proven to boost growth hormone—critical for insulin regulation, muscle recovery, lower cardiovascular disease risk, and stronger bones. Additionally, saunas boost flow of blood to the skeletal muscles, helping them to remain fueled while they remove metabolic byproducts and toxins.

  1. Sense no discomfort

Sauna was proven to decrease muscle and joint pain. One controlled, randomized trial discovered that NIR therapy decreased pain in the lower back by half in six weeks. A sauna’s capability of increasing the introduction of anti-inflammatories such as growth hormones, cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline assist the body in releasing endorphins, our body’s natural killers of pain. Also, NIR light assists in stimulating collagen production and circulation, which assists in rebuilding muscles and joints.

  1. High strength


The use of NIR sauna may aid you in building muscle. The additional production of growth hormone includes a reason for the improvement of the growth of muscles. Heat acclimation caused by sauna boosts heat shock proteins acting to move repair proteins. In turn, these decrease the quantity of protein breakdown, all while boosting muscle growth and protein synthesis. A study proved a 30 percent boost in muscle expansion in animals following heat therapies.

  1. Cellulite and fat reduction

Routine sauna usage may decrease body fat. NIR light, however, was proven to exceed that to additionally reduce cellulite. (source) A benefit to NIR lamps is they may be targeted to certain body areas as necessary, like cellulite inside the stomach region. Additional studies have discovered this light to be efficient in the control of cellulite blended with additional therapies.

NIR sauna also has been proven to improve our metabolism by the stimulation of mitochondria to generate more cell energy (ATP).

  1. Phototherapy and chromotherapy

NIR light has a few of the warmer hues of light (yellow, orange, red) with their very own therapeutic capabilities (referred to as chromotherapy). Those warming shades may assist in the digestive tract working better. Red light is considered to promote vitality and aid the muscles, heart, bones, and lungs. Orange lights are considered to aid in lower body balance (digestive tract, spine, kidneys). Yellow light is believed to activate the immune and lymphatic systems. NIR sauna have the extra advantage of phototherapy as the body has NIR photoreceptors yet not FIR photoreceptors. Phototherapy was proven to be very useful in the treatment of SAD, psoriasis, as well as numerous other ailments.

  1. Cheaper to run and own

We cannot ignore the obvious — NIR sauna are cheaper to operate, as well as own. And who does not want to save a little money? In general, near-infrared saunas are cheaper because they’re more “portable” (you even can build inside a shower!), as well as utilize less electricity than FIR saunas because they operate at a reduced temperature. Also, they may easily and inexpensive be made at home using infrared bulbs from the hardware store in your area.

  1. Rotating advantages

NIR sauna concentrate the light from a single sauna wall — a reason it might penetrate so deeply, yet due to this, it is vital that you rotate your body every five minutes to obtain the best results. Rotating is going to help evenly heat the body and help in more even sweating that aids in better relieving toxic stress. Additionally, rotating assists in ensuring overall body circulation, and the flow of blood is optimized in all places versus only one part of the body. (Also, rotating every five minutes makes the time spent inside the sauna to go quicker!)

Are NIR saunas better?

It is pretty clear that NIR saunas are amazing for overall vitality, as well as health, with a unique advantage of skin healing and light therapy (which includes cellulite treatment.) Plus, they’re an excellent alternative for the ones on a tight budget or who cannot conduct a house remodel to accommodate a conventional wooden sauna.

But, any type of sauna is better than no sauna, whatsoever. As a matter of fact, all in all, saunas have some wonderful benefits. Here, we add to the list by providing even more benefits of saunas:

  1. Rarely become sick

The use of saunas may improve immune function. Saunas will boost circulation, improve your lymphatic system, as well as boost white blood cell counts, and make you an all-round germ battling machine! German and Finnish studies show that they are able to decrease the incidence of flu and cold by around 30 percent.

  1. Protect the brain

One new Finland study, in which it isn’t unusual for house to contain a personal sauna, discovered that males who utilized their sauna four to seven times per week for a minimum of 15 minutes experienced a 66 percent decrease in dementia, as well as a 65 percent decrease in Alzheimer’s disease, as compared to the ones who just utilized their saunas one time per week. Therefore, if you have a desire to remain mentally sharp, you should regularly get inside your sauna!

  1. Live for a longer time period

And at last, a new study proved a substantial reduction in mortality (a rise in longevity) related to routine use of saunas. A marked reduction in heart disease and deadly heart attacks were among the multiple benefits observed.

Infrared saunas offer so many fantastic health benefits. The blend of heat therapy and phototherapy is going to help you to become almost superhuman.

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